If you are a California licensed physician, physician-in-training or medical student in the Southern California region and are interested in the medical care of Chinese/Asian Americans, you are encouraged to apply for membership at the Chinese American Medical Association of Southern California (CAMASC).
Membership Benefits
CAMASC members enjoy many benefits such as the following:
- Invitation to attend CAMASC-sponsored CME Activities at no cost or a discounted rate
- Opportunities to network with other healthcare professionals
- Participation in health fairs and health education programs
- Participation in medical research
- Invitation to other CAMASC - hosted events at no cost or a discounted rate
Membership FeeA
Physician in Clinical Practice at $200.00 Annually
Physician-in-Training or Medical StudentB at $80.00 Annually
Membership Application
To apply for new membership or renew your membership online: "CLICK HERE"
To apply for new membership or renew your membership by mail: "CLICK HERE"
CAMASC is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization, all contributions or gifts to CAMASC are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Please consult your tax advisor for your business/education deduction.
A CAMASC reserves the right to adjust the membership benefits and fee as deemed necessary. Membership fee is based on a twelve (12) months cycle.
B Must enclose a letter of verification from an accredited educational/training institution.