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Presentation: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Dementing Diseases In Chinese Americans
CLICK HERE to see the PowerPoint presentation
Time: Sunday Morning
Purpose: To provide an update on degenerative neurological conditions
Summarize the recognition and management of Alzheimer’s Disease in Chinese Americans
Summarize the recognition and management of Parkinson’s Disease in Chinese Americans
Review ongoing research and community outreach efforts in dementia in Chinese Americans
Behavior & Neurology Instructor, Memory and Aging Center, UCSF
Dr. Steven Chao received his MD and PhD degrees at Chicago Medical School with NIH sponsorship. His graduate studies in the laboratory of Dr. Marina Wolf focused on mechanisms of neuronal plasticity. Dr. Chao completed a medical internship at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and a neurology residency at Stanford University Hospital.
Dr. Chao is currently a clinical fellow in behavioral neurology at the Memory and Aging Center where he is active in patient evaluation and management. His research interests focus on the early detection and progression of Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and related disorders. He actively participates in our Chinese outreach program seeing patients at San Francisco Chinatown clinics every week.